This session will be a mix of a short presentation and audience feedback. The short presentation will describe current Water Misson Area (WMA) and CDI resources available to aid data managers in managing diverse types of data (dynamic v static, codes, models, tabular data sets, interviews, etc.), diverse repositories (ScienceBase, NWIS), and diverse attitudes towards data management. The short presentation will also include some use cases on how WMA data managers have overcome challenges in achieving USGS data strategy goals. The majority of the 90-minute session will focus on gathering an audience of data managers who may have struggled to feel integrated into a data-centric culture and creating space to voice their opinions, concerns, and ideas to overcome these challenges. This would include feedback on gaps in resources and support networks (leadership, working groups, etc.) that would greatly benefit and empower data managers to influence and cultivate a data-centric culture in a diverse data environment.