Thursday May 1, 2025 10:30am - 12:00pm EDT
Large collections of gridded data. Cloud storage. Challenges with search. How best to subset data and visualize it or pull it into analytical workflows? What data is even out there to use?

Enter STAC - a standard, framework, and set of resources within the science community to help tackle these challenges. Some exciting work is already taking place within the USGS across several teams who've adopted the STAC protocol for organizing and delivering research outputs. We want to showcase this work, provide some information about an ongoing initiative in the Department of Interior around STAC, and outline future directions for how this can fit into the USGS as we build out a more data-centric landscape.

avatar for Robert Djurasaj

Robert Djurasaj

Cloud Architect, NGTOC, USGS
I currently serve as a DevOps Lead and Cloud Architect at the National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC) in Denver. Leading a team of DevOps Engineers (read: superheroes), our primary focus is bridging the gap between developers and the CHS platform. Additionally, I also... Read More →
Thursday May 1, 2025 10:30am - 12:00pm EDT

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