Tuesday April 29, 2025 8:30am - 10:00am EDT
All scientific data collected through USGS funding are federal records and must be publicly available. Since the OPEN Data Act was enacted in 2016, USGS scientists have gradually accepted the Government data sharing policy and have made the public data sharing processes (data releases) part of their everyday workflow.  However, "legacy" data obtained by former scientist continue to gather dust even though the data are as relevant today as they were several decades ago. During this session, data managers and scientists will share insights and tricks on how to preserve and publish "legacy" datasets that have been pushed to the back burner.

Goals include: 1) Inspire data managers and CDI participants to consider "legacy" data preservation as a relevant and attainable goal, 2) provide a safe space for participants to share ideas, thoughts, concerns related to "legacy" data preservation, 3) provide participants resources for discussing the importance of "legacy" data preservation with their Science Center/region/department, as well as implementing "legacy" data preservation, and 4) build a community of individuals dedicated to the preservation of "legacy" data.
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Laura McDuffie

Data Scientist/Biologist, USGS Alaska Science Center
Laura is a data scientists and biologist who specializes in data management and the movement and breeding ecology of migratory shorebirds. Her primary duties include assisting staff with the creation, modification, and publishing of data release, digitally archiving legacy data for... Read More →
Tuesday April 29, 2025 8:30am - 10:00am EDT

Attendees (2)

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